Resources to build practitioner toolkits to make the case for Greening in their violence prevention work
Online resource exploring connections between body liberation and dating violence prevention
Learning modules to assist violence prevention partners integrate health equity and racial justice into their work
Equips organizations to accelerate measurable progress as they work to build a culture that centers racial equity
Toolkit to help small, community-based nonprofits implement justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion (JEDI) practices
Train the trainer toolkit on Paid Family Leave in California
Toolkit exploring the connection between community gardens and campus-based sexual violence prevention
Campaign to promote healthy relationships and prevent teen dating violence
Toolkit for anyone who is committed to building movements where people can communicate across languages
Training module to support coaches in creating a positive sports culture and fostering healthy relationship skills
Toolkits to help coaches discuss the film Roll Red Roll with student athletes to spark social change
Resource library to support gendered and community-level efforts to improve mental wellbeing among men and boys
Toolkit offering strategies for reframing human trafficking prevention efforts to be truly equitable and trauma-informed
Campaign to prevent sexual violence on college campuses.
Tools to support individual and group efforts to learn and work for racial justice at every level.
Anti-racism tools for DV/SV advocates and organizations.
Notice of Federal Funding and Federal Disclaimer: This website is funded through Grant #90EV0410-03.