Paid Family Leave Train the Trainers Toolkit

Among a wealth of other benefits to families, businesses, and society at large, Paid Family Leave and paid sick days promote the economic independence that is both a preventative factor against domestic violence, as well as a practical lifeline for those escaping violence.
The purpose of this toolkit is to promote access to and education on paid leave for Californians – specifically, Paid Family Leave and paid sick days. This toolkit is aimed towards service providers, public health educators, advocates, and anyone who would like to inform their community about PFL and paid sick days in the state of California.
Through educating and supporting communities to use PFL and paid sick days, the toolkit also identifies barriers that communities face to exercise their rights. In this way, an additional goal of this toolkit is to connect both trainers and trainees to a broader movement to establish paid leave for all.
Paid Family Leave and paid sick days promote gender equity and help to foster the economic independence that is both a preventative factor against domestic violence, as well as a practical lifeline for those escaping violence. This toolkit is aimed towards service providers, public health educators, advocates, and anyone who would like to inform their community about PFL and paid sick days.
Resources already exist on the topic of PFL and paid sick days – for example, state agencies provide information on PFL and paid sick days through their websites. Legal service providers, like Legal Aid at Work, have great fact sheets and guides for both workers and employers. The California Work & Family Coalition also has a website - - with basic information about paid leave and adjacent California workplace laws. This toolkit complements existing resources by providing a “train the trainer” curriculum to expand the community of individuals who understand their rights and can teach others.
This toolkit is a living resource that is regularly updated. Send feedback to