Who is doing the work?

A network of community-based organizations and the communities they work for.

Over the past 40 years, the movement to end IPV has established deep roots in communities in an effort to provide vital crisis services and raise awareness. These key players have organized collective efforts to examine, understand, and respond to the overwhelming rates of victimization – an ongoing process that has yielded rich and diverse connections to families, neighborhoods, community businesses and institutions (like schools, government, and social service providers), and policy makers at large.

Moreover, researchers and practitioners in public health, at colleges and universities and in private sectors, are supporting and providing the best available research to those community-based organizations who are implementing best practices in the field. Investing in the movement means investing in building evidence, supporting community sustainability, and changing lives.

Notice of Federal Funding and Federal Disclaimer: This website is funded through Grant #90EV0410-03.

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