Key Special Collections

The following Special Collections produced by the National Resource Center on Domestic Violence offer helpful resources and guidance to support the prevention of intimate partner violence.

Available through, Special Collections are organized lists of select resources on specific topics related to violence against women that provide contextual information to encourage critical analysis.

  • Capacity Building for Domestic Violence Prevention (August 2012)
    This collection provides materials to support the work of building organizational capacity in state and local domestic violence programs for primary prevention work, as it relates to assessing and influencing change in individuals, communities, and institutions.
  • Intimate Partner Homicide Prevention (July 2011)
    This Special Collection explores the most tragic consequence of domestic violence and offers a variety of tools and information towards its prevention.
  • Men and Boys: Preventing Sexual and Intimate Partner Violence (July 2012)
    This Special Collection provides resources for anti-violence programs to increase their capacity to engage men and boys in their work to end violence against women.
  • Models in Prevention: CDC’s DELTA Program (August 2011)
    Nearly one decade after the CDC initiated the DELTA Program, there is a strong foundation of information and lessons learned regarding promising practices in the primary prevention of intimate partner violence. This collection highlights the successes of this program and its grantees, providing materials to support replication of these efforts across the United States and globally.
  • Fostering Resilience, Respect & Healthy Growth in Childhood and Beyond (July 2016)
    This Special Collection offers resources that promote strategies for creating environments where children can thrive with a particular focus on enhancing capacity for resilience across the lifespan.

In the Field

Explore emerging prevention campaigns, projects, and events. Begin here.

Domestic Violence Prevention Timeline

This interactive timeline documents key historical events known to significantly impact or advance the goal of intimate partner violence prevention in the United States, noting intersections with sister social justice movements. The information is complied from several timelines and listings of prevention milestones. Learn More.

Notice of Federal Funding and Federal Disclaimer: This website is funded through Grant #90EV0410-03.

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