Learning modules to assist violence prevention partners integrate health equity and racial justice into their work
Train the trainer toolkit on Paid Family Leave in California
Training module to support coaches in creating a positive sports culture and fostering healthy relationship skills
Toolkits to help coaches discuss the film Roll Red Roll with student athletes to spark social change
Resources for educators to make Black lives matter in curriculum, teaching, and school policy.
Tools to help adults be more askable and supportive for the children and youth in their lives.
Outlines key research on risk and protective factors and explores implications for prevention.
Middle school-based program to promote healthy boundaries and prevent sexual harassment and dating violence.
Resources to help mentors support youth's academic success, emotional and physical health, and other key areas of their lives.
Empowers athletes on girls' sports teams to take an active role in promoting healthy relationships and ending sexual violence.
Teaches students how to recognize healthy behaviors in relationships and how to ally for themselves and others.
Workshop series designed to help families navigate middle school and prepare for teen years.
Conversation cards to spark discussions about healthy relationships.
Curriculum for starting and running an LGBTQ relationship skills class.
Supports community-based organizations in integrating Beloved Community principles into their work.
Equips pediatricians to address violence prevention with families throughout stages of childhood and adolescence.
Notice of Federal Funding and Federal Disclaimer: This website is funded through Grant #90EV0410-03.