Language Justice Toolkit

The Language Justice Toolkit is a resource for organizers, popular educators, community leaders and activists, and anyone who is committed to building movements where people can communicate across languages. It features a collection of specific, practical strategies for organizations and individuals who are committed to building powerful multilingual spaces in their own workplaces and communities.
Language justice is about building and sustaining multilingual spaces in our organizations and social movements so that everyone’s voice can be heard both as an individual and as part of a diversity of communities and cultures. This toolkit seeks to promote constant learning and improvement in the complex intersection of community organizing and language justice. It includes an overview of key concerns around interpretation and translation, event planning tips, guidance for building an organizational commitment to language justice, and more.
Communities Creating Healthy Environments (CCHE) hopes that you will use the toolkit – in whole or in part – for whatever your own next steps might be in building spaces for language justice. The toolkit is available to download in both English and Spanish.