Anti-Racist Policymaking to Protect, Promote, and Preserve Black Families and Babies

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Racism is a complex phenomenon that exists on multiple levels—systemic, institutional, interpersonal, and internalized. This publication introduces the “Protect, Promote, Preserve” framework (the 3Ps) to highlight policy approaches with the potential to promote Black families’ and babies’ well-being. This brief seeks to answer two questions: 

  • Based on the research review by the Prenatal-to-3 Policy Impact Center, which policy approaches have the potential to protect, promote, and preserve Black families and babies?
  • Beyond the work of the Prenatal-to-3 Policy Impact Center, what additional policies and programs need research review to build a more complete picture of the levers available to state and federal officials to protect, promote, and preserve Black families and babies?

The Protect, Promote, Preserve framework (the 3Ps) can help public officials to combat anti-Black racism in policy and programs by applying a racial equity lens. The 3Ps facilitates examination of policies and programs that:

  • Protect (or not) Black families and babies from harm and trauma;
  • Promote (or not) the health, wealth, and educational access of Black families and babies; and
  • Preserve (or not) the cultural heritage and language of Black families and babies.

The goal of this publication is to encourage state and federal leaders to identify family- and child-focused policies that have the potential to disrupt experiences of multilevel racism and its harmful effects.

The authors of this publication propose utilization of the 3Ps Framework by state and federal leaders to identify family- and child-focused policies that have the potential to disrupt experiences of multilevel racism and its harmful effects, which may result in better protection, promotion, and preservation of Black families with young children. The publication can be downloaded from the Equity Research Action Coalition’s website.


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