Economic Justice as a Framework for Violence Prevention

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In efforts to prevent violence from occurring, the Delaware Coalition Against Domestic Violence (DCADV) worked to identify evidence-based strategies that may reduce the prevalence of violence. One systems-level strategy focuses on improving health and economic outcomes by promoting economic justice, since poor economic health has been identified as a risk factor for the likelihood of domestic and sexual violence to occur. Individuals who are exposed to risk factors of poor economic health and lack of access to economic supports may be forced to rely on a partner or family member, which could prevent them from leaving living environments if they become abusive.

This white paper from the Delaware Coalition Against Domestic Violence explores how all local and statewide organizations, corporations, workplaces, and sectors can consider ways to adopt and advance policies that promote economic equity and revamp policies that may hinder success, stability, and safety for employees and communities.

This white paper is intended to raise awareness and increase knowledge capacity of economic justice among community partners, corporations, and state legislators. It provides more detailed information on policy initiatives that should be considered by policymakers in the government as well as within corporations, workplaces, and the financial sector.

This paper proposes solutions that this paper explores solutions in the workplace, financial sector, and government spheres. Proposals include lactation policies, paid time off, livable wage, and more.

This white paper is intended to increase the capacity of community partners, corporations, and state legislators to promote economic justice as a violence prevention strategy. Access the paper from DCADV's website.

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