Learning modules to assist violence prevention partners integrate health equity and racial justice into their work
Equips organizations to accelerate measurable progress as they work to build a culture that centers racial equity
Toolkit to help small, community-based nonprofits implement justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion (JEDI) practices
Toolkit exploring the connection between community gardens and campus-based sexual violence prevention
Roadmap to building collaborative relationships with community partners within and outside the anti-violence movement
Toolkit for anyone who is committed to building movements where people can communicate across languages
Connects health equity to prevention work by centering survivors at the intersections of racism, violence, & oppression
Website offering the tools that parents and educators need to be positive role models for the pre-teen boys in their lives
Toolkit offering strategies for reframing human trafficking prevention efforts to be truly equitable and trauma-informed
Resources for educators to make Black lives matter in curriculum, teaching, and school policy.
Website that helps sports communities become a part of the solution to domestic and sexual violence.
Guidance for using creative storytelling to spark social change.
Toolkit to help preventionists use the media to make the case for community prevention.
Ideas and tools to build media literacy skills and engage communities in meaningful dialogue to end sexual violence.
Summarizes BBP's goals, framework, and approach for culturally-based gender transformative learning.
Report on the value of collaborating with social justice movements and other community partners to achieve shared goals.
Notice of Federal Funding and Federal Disclaimer: This website is funded through Grant #90EV0410-03.