
Pre-teen boys are at a critical age where they are starting to explore new identities. The role models they have and messages they receive help shape the man they become. The Redefine website is a tool for parents, educators, and any adult who has a role in a preteen’s life to find information on the following topics:
- Gender
- Consent
- Masculinity
- Resilience
- Body autonomy
- Sex
- Sexual orientation
- Race and ethnicity
- Disability
The goal of the RedefineSLO website is to offer the tools that parents and educators need to be positive role models for the pre-teen boys in their lives. In these conversation guides, you’ll find what you need to guide pre-teen boys away from harmful behaviors and toward healthy ones. Guides cover the do’s and don’ts of conversation, how to navigate tough questions, and most importantly, how to stay connected in the life of your boy.
This website aims to help parents and educators to break the cycles of violence by starting the conversations that matter at an early age. By showing consistent positive examples of healthy relationships, you can set the boys in your life on a path for a lifetime of fulfilling ones.
Use RedefineSLO’s website to prepare for critical conversations with pre-teen boys in your life. Users can also use the conversation guides to have a monthly meet-ups with other parents and/or educators discussing way to implement the topics into your family or classroom. To further implement these tools, be sure to:
- Inquire with your school how these topics are being addressed and reference the social marketing campaign #Redefine!
- Find age appropriate educational literature, videos and articles to help guide your journey to empower preteens to become respectful, kind, and healthy young adults.
- Watch a movie with a kiddo and consult the conversation guides on how to discuss a topic.
- Check out our social media for updates on our campaign!
- Request a presentation by one of our educators on any of the topics covered in this website.
Access conversation guides and other resources from RedefineSLO’s website.