Racial Equity Tools

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Racial Equity Tools is designed to support individuals and groups working to achieve racial equity. This site offers tools, research tips, curricula, and ideas for people who want to increase their own understanding and to help those working toward justice at every level – in systems, organizations, communities, and the culture at large.

Working toward racial equity is critical to efforts to prevent intimate partner violence. The Racial Equity Tools website offers a wealth of resources for change at the individual, organizational, community, and societal levels. Resources are organized into 4 main categories:

  • Fundamentals outlines core concepts, theories, histories, and statistics
  • Plan features resources to help in planning actions for racial equity, including identifying challenges and creating an action plan. This section also highlights resources for key issue areas that are particularly relevant to preventionists, such as Education and Violence, Safety, and Community Peace.
  • Act provides information on 17 strategy areas (for example, policy and systems change and civic engagement), as well as resources on communications and sustainability.
  • Evaluate includes tools to help groups assess, learn from, and document their racial equity work.

Access the tools at https://www.racialequitytools.org/home and send questions to info@racialequitytools.org.


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Recent News

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Notice of Federal Funding and Federal Disclaimer: This website is funded through Grant #90EV0410-03.

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