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The Stand4Respect campaign is a joint effort of the Indiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence’s prevention team and of the Coalition’s Youth Council because “we believe that we are most effective when youth and adults work together to develop cool and relevant prevention plans.” The campaign seeks to engage adults and youth in conversations about respectful relationships to promote and normalize healthy relationship behaviors as a strategy for preventing teen dating abuse. “We believe that by establishing shared standards of fair, respectful behavior in all of our relationships, we’ll reduce teen dating abuse and other forms of abuse in our communities.”
The Stand4Respect website provides adults with concrete tools and advice from youth in a campaign that was designed in collaboration with youth. ICADV Youth Council members conducted focus groups with adults to find out why so few are talking with kids about relationships. The barriers that emerged from those conversations were primarily centered on fears—parents were afraid that they wouldn’t know how to have these talks, that their kids wouldn’t think that they were a credible resource, and that talking with their kids wouldn’t help to keep them safe from abuse.
Resources for adults include a public service announcement, conversation starters, talking points, brief instructional videos, an open letter from youth to parents and a youth blog.