Expect Respect: A School-based Program for Preventing Teen Dating Violence and Promoting Safe and Healthy Relationships

The Expect Respect Program is a school-based program designed to promote safe and healthy relationships. The program manual includes: Introduction and Overview; Part I-Increasing Resilience: A Support Group Curriculum and Guide for Facilitators (Grades 3-5); Part II: Building Healthy Relationships: A Support Group Curriculum and Guide for Facilitators (Grades 6-12); and Part III: Developing Youth Leaders: A Guide for Facilitators (Grades 6-12). The 4-book set and digital files can be ordered from SAFE.
The 2019 edition of the manual builds upon three decades of programming and evaluation to bring you a comprehensive, research-based violence prevention program that can be replicated in your community. The Expect Respect Team is also available to assist you in creating or expanding existing prevention programming in your community. The program's multi-level strategies aim to increase safety, social support and relationship skills among vulnerable youth; engage youth leaders in creating safer and more welcoming schools, and increase capacity for school-wide responsiveness and prevention.
The Expect Respect Program has been serving Austin schools since 1989 and continues to evolve to meet local needs. The program manual provides curricula that is developmentally and culturally relevant, inclusive of gay and straight relationships, and uses art, poetry, and theatre games to help young people explore relationship issues.
Expect Respect provides a model and tools for partnering with local schools and youth organizations to promote safe and healthy relationships and prevent dating and sexual violence among youth.
The Expect Respect manual is available for purchase from SAFE. The 4-book set includes:
- Program introduction and overview
- Support group curriculum for students in grades 3-5 (16 sessions)
- Support group curriculum for students in grades 6-12 (24 sessions)
- Guide for developing youth leaders.
For more information and to discuss consultation/training options and fees, please contact Barri Rosenbluth, brosenbluth@safeaustin.org.