Online resource exploring connections between body liberation and dating violence prevention
Theory of Change to guide shared values & strategies for building a comprehensive prevention ecosystem
Learning modules to assist violence prevention partners integrate health equity and racial justice into their work
Social norming campaign to cultivate a positive racial identity and foster community dialogue in order to reduce youth violence
Campaign to promote healthy relationships and prevent teen dating violence
Toolkits to help coaches discuss the film Roll Red Roll with student athletes to spark social change
Campaign to prevent sexual violence on college campuses.
Resources for educators to make Black lives matter in curriculum, teaching, and school policy.
Best practices to facilitate conversations on social determinants of health.
Resource hub of tools for preventing violence against people with disabilities.
Explores how universities can prevent and respond to gender-based violence on campus.
Project promoting a culture of consent through multimedia campaigns and education.
Middle school-based program to promote healthy boundaries and prevent sexual harassment and dating violence.
Educates and activates young people to cultivate healthy and safe relationships.
Promotes systemic trauma awareness in communities, teaching resiliency and practical lifelong coping skills.
Preventing domestic violence requires the collective voice and power of individuals, families, institutions, and systems.
Notice of Federal Funding and Federal Disclaimer: This website is funded through Grant #90EV0410-03.