Toolkits to help coaches discuss the film Roll Red Roll with student athletes to spark social change
Middle school-based program to promote healthy boundaries and prevent sexual harassment and dating violence.
Teaches students how to recognize healthy behaviors in relationships and how to ally for themselves and others.
Videos, social media graphics, printable posters, and other tools for high school activists seeking to change their school culture.
Campaigns, trainings, and online resources that support campus sexual violence prevention efforts.
Conversation cards to spark discussions about healthy relationships.
Public awareness campaign and educational program that fosters inclusive sports communities.
Campaign designed to spark critical conversations about sexual violence on college campuses.
Social action campaign designed to engage students, teachers, parents, and other communities members to prevent bullying.
Collection of K-12 lesson plans designed to foster respect, empathy, and ally behavior.
Provides educators with tools to promote safety and inclusivity for LGBT youth in schools.
Compilation of evidence-based IPV prevention strategies that address each level of social ecology.
Curriculum for adults who have children and youth in their lives to prevent sexual violence.
Film follows boys & young men as they negotiate America’s narrow definition of masculinity.
Program mobilizing male community leaders to work within their spheres of influence to prevent domestic violence.
Promotes positive male behavior with tips for young men on how to start a respectful relationship with women.
Notice of Federal Funding and Federal Disclaimer: This website is funded through Grant #90EV0410-03.