Start a Squad Toolkit

SafeBAE Educational Video Series Trailer

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Tools in the SafeBAE "Start a Squad" toolkit support high school activists seeking to change their school culture. Tools include an educational video series, statistics and shareable social media graphics, printable posters, and other ideas for young activists.

SafeBAE's "Start a Squad" tools for activists in high school include:

  • Educational video series exploring consent, bystander intervention, myths and facts, how to respond to a friend telling you they've been assaulted, and students' rights under Title IX
  • Statistics and shareable graphics for social media campaigns
  • Printable posters about rape culture, bystander intervention, supporting survivors, and Title IX
  • Template letters to send to representatives, superintendents, and principals
  • Information on how to host a free screening of the film "Audrie & Daisy"

The website also offers tips for raising awareness about sexual violence in high school and connecting with other Squads around the world!

Visit SafeBAE's website for online resources. Access the full educational video series by emailing

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Notice of Federal Funding and Federal Disclaimer: This website is funded through Grant #90EV0410-03.

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