One Student

Take the First Step

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One Student supports sexual violence prevention programming on college campuses through trainings, keynote presentations, and online resources.

One Student offers intensive sexual violence prevention training programs to campuses, and their No Woman Left Behind campaign provides bystander intervention training. One Student's website offers a variety of online handouts for students and parents, such as:

  • "Raising Respectful Humans"
  • "Creating a Culture of Consent"
  • "Sexual Empowerment 101"

Access online handouts and information on trainings and keynote speakers from One Student on their website.

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Recent News

Wednesday, 12 February 2025
This issue of the PreventIPV Newsletter offers resources that help us actualize respect for each other and ourselves.
Monday, 4 November 2024
This issue of the PreventIPV newsletter highlights new resources, upcoming professional development opportunities, and exciting developments in the prevention field, with a particular focus on economic justice as a violence prevention strategy.

Notice of Federal Funding and Federal Disclaimer: This website is funded through Grant #90EV0410-03.

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