Days of Respect: Organizing a School-Wide Violence Prevention Program

Days of Respect is a step-by-step organizing guide enabling students, parents, and teachers to come together to create a successful, affordable, and renewable school-wide violence prevention event. This guide complements the lessons in Making Allies, Making Friends and Making the Peace.
Goal: Developed to be used in school settings. The materials are designed to support youth to design and launch a school-wide campaign. Discussion and activities promote changing social norms as well as increasing bystander interventions and individual skills for healthy relationships. They are also designed to assist school personnel in developing policies and training to address dating violence, sexual harassment and bullying and to support students and adults to work together to create a school wide campaign.
Manual includes step-by-step instructions that build capacity for organizing a one-day event using exercises and discussion formats. It promotes student leadership by supporting youth to steer the planning and organization of this program.
Activities include:
- an assembly with skits, songs, raps and poems
- essay and poster contest
- videos and personal testimonies
- small group discussions
- ongoing post event/campaign activities
Manual costs $15.26.