Building Florida’s Capacity to Prevention Intimate Partner Violence: Eight Year Strategic Plan

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Florida’s eight year statewide prevention plan is the result of several years of collaborative strategic planning. Together, the goals and strategies in the plan help to build a comprehensive prevention program for the State of Florida. The goals are to focus on youth, engaging youth ages 5- 18 and to work to promote social norms that support non-violent and respectful intimate partner relationships and to advance public policy that promotes relationship equality, respect, and safety for everyone in the state. Capacity building goals include: increasing the quality, quantity, and accessibility of population-based data collected on intimate partner violence with emphasis on root causes, improving collaboration by engaging and sustaining partnerships at the state and local levels to prevent intimate partner violence and share knowledge about the root causes of intimate partner violence and promising primary prevention practices.

Goal: The Florida DELTA State Steering Committee collaborated with FCADV and local DELTA programs to develop and implement a state intimate partner violence prevention plan in order to:

  • Lay out strategies and activities to prevent the occurrence of intimate partner violence and promote nonviolent, respectful relationships,
  • Provide a practical guide for state wide action, and
  • Describe evidence about Florida and intimate partner violence that was used as the basis for this plan.

State prevention plans are data-driven, thoughtfully crafted action plans developed in partnership with local, regional and statewide stakeholders. This state plan identifies activities and strategies that can be developed and implemented in communities and statewide that focus on healthy relationships; promoting protective factors that reduce the likelihood of intimate partner violence perpetration of victimization. The plan also works to reduce risk factors associated with intimate partner violence perpetration and victimization. This information is useful to any prevention worker seeking to identify and utilize practices that are being tested around the country and are showing promise.

Impact: Evaluation plans for each goal and strategy outlined in the plan have been developed. Logic Models identifying outcomes and measurable objectives are included in the document.


This state plan is informed by state-specific data.

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Notice of Federal Funding and Federal Disclaimer: This website is funded through Grant #90EV0410-03.

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