Voices Against Violence
Developed in partnership with UN Women as part of their Stop the Violence Campaign, WAGGGS created the Voices against Violence curriculum. Voices against Violence is an international, non-formal co-educational initiative which engages girls, young women, boys, young men, adults, parents and the community in the conversations about violence. The curriculum will helps children and young people learn to talk about violence, understand its root causes, recognize their rights and develop the skills and confidence to access those rights for themselves and others. It is designed to empower girls and boys, young women and young men to be leaders, to speak out and take action.
The curriculum provides interactive, child- and youth-centered ways for young people to talk about relationships, gender equality and abuse, within a safe and supportive environment. Materials include a Handbook for Leaders, activity books for four different age groups, a monitoring and evaluation system to measure the impact of the programming and an online community offers support, mentorship and best practices.
The program can be delivered to girl-only groups or co-educational groups. Age appropriate activities within each section are designed accordingly and are divided into age groups: for very young children aged five to seven, young children aged eight to 11, middle and high school aged children aged 12 to 16 and older youth up through college and beyond, aged 17 to 25. Facilitators may use activities from earlier and later age groups as suitable.
The curriculum is free to use but has not been made publicly available. Any organization interested in using Voices against Violence should submit an expression of interest to the World Association. The World Association makes support available to organizations interested in delivering the curriculum and may also help to build their capacity to do so.
Download the Voices against Violence partner’s Brochure to understand more how you can use the curriculum. If you are interested in using the Voices against Violence curriculum submit an expression of Interest Form to stoptheviolence@wagggs.org.