Anti-bullying action campaign for LGBTQ youth.
Findings and recommendations from a participatory learning and action project.
Activities to help students address inequalities based on race, gender, class, age, language, sexual orientation, ability, and religion.
Girls' empowerment program that addresses their lives in relational and social contexts.
Campaign promoting positive masculinity to change the social norms that foster inequity, abuse of power and violence.
Comprehensive online resource featuring a variety of tools for the prevention of all types of violence.
Upstander-focused employer training programs for recognizing and responding to abuse.
Tools to start conversations around relationships, breaking up, and media messaging/influence.
Explores concepts of gender and inequality to engage young people as social change agents.
Youth focused video with accompanying discussion guide to increase active bystander skills.
Asset-based development program for young women exploring womanhood, respect, and positive relationships.
This curriculum empowers youth to make informed choices that will help them engage in healthy dating relationships.
Supports youthworkers and organizations in promoting healthy youth behaviors and relationships.
Youth focused campaign promoting healthy relationship behaviors and positive bystander approaches.
Middle school curriculum designed to promote healthy and safe dating, peer relationships, and substance use.
Curriculum for young men, designed to teach alternatives to violence and value strength, experience, creativity and intelligence.
Notice of Federal Funding and Federal Disclaimer: This website is funded through Grant #90EV0410-03.