Step-by-step organizing guide for a successful, affordable, and renewable school-wide violence prevention event.
Considers how ‘traditional’ gender stereotypes could be challenged in nursery school and elementary school classrooms.
Short documentary about 10 Alaskan youth poets trained to provide healthy relationship education.
Interactive web based educational resource promoting positive body image for youth.
Comprehensive four step approach to preventing dating violence on and off campus.
Project designed by youth-serving professionals and prevention specialists to build resilience among teens.
Replication manual for school-based primary prevention male youth engagement program model.
Culturally appropriate primary prevention workshop designed for Latino migrant men over the age of 18.
Report showcases the leadership of Victorian councils (Australia) to promote gender equity and violence prevention.
Texas’ statewide youth engagement project on gender equality, healthy relationships, and nonviolence.
Sample anti-harassment policy for use in schools.
Community-based engaging-men initiative based in upstate New York.
School-based program designed to promote safe and healthy teen relationships.
Social marketing campaign to engage adults and youth in conversations about respectful relationships.
Notice of Federal Funding and Federal Disclaimer: This website is funded through Grant #90EV0410-03.