Agent of Change

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Agent of Change is an innovative online sexual violence prevention education program.
It uses gaming technology to engage user in role-plays in various settings that are typical to a college environment.
Content addresses sexual assault, sexual harassment, stalking, and intimate partner violence.

"Agent of Change provides an interactive training environment that allows our new Airmen to view how others may perceive sexually toned language and actions of others around them through the self-paced training. The trend analysis We End Violence provides from a group of Airmen assists our instructors in tailoring post-training conversation towards areas of concern for that particular group. Agent of Change is a wonderful education and intervention tool." --Sexual Assault Response Coordinator, US Air Force

The material is highly interactive. Users are given choices throughout the program that determine how the program proceeds.

The game addresses many of the educational components required by the Campus SaVE Act.


The game is designed for incoming college students. Agent of Change promotes positive behaviors and skill building by taking the player through a variety of scenes. The entire program (10 levels) takes up to 1 hour to complete. Each level builds on events from a previous one. Players are presented with opportunities to join the conversation by making choices about what to say or how to respond to the other digital characters. Each scene is 3-5 minutes in length.

The characters respond to the choices the player makes – they can support or challenge the choice and model how, when and where to talk about the issue. The game allows the player to learn, develop and practice the skills needed to prevent violence before it happens.

For updates and information on future versions of the game join We End Violence email list by sending an email to:

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Notice of Federal Funding and Federal Disclaimer: This website is funded through Grant #90EV0410-03.

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