Compilation of lessons learned and an interactive tool for fostering collective impact to build resilient communities.
Connects forms of violence and supports strategic thinking that considers culture and community context.
Promotes positive male behavior with tips for young men on how to start a respectful relationship with women.
Reviews early brain development, the effects of trauma on the brain, and the potential for the brain to heal and grow.
Community driven media project that supports culturally responsive domestic violence services for Urban Indians.
Compilation of a core strategies to reduce the overall incidence of sexual violence based on the best available evidence.
Multi-media sexual violence prevention campaign.
Addressing human rights issues such as gender equality, universal basic education, and child marriage prevention.
Impressive and inspiring database collection of youth-led activities occurring all over the world.
Curriculum designed to empower girls and boys, young women and young men to be leaders, to speak out and take action.
Highly flexible, adaptable and multi-faceted public education and social marketing campaign.
Program for helping high school students build safer schools, relationships, and communities.
Recurso para los profesionales, organizaciones e instituciones que trabajan con adolescentes y jóvenes.
Resource for educators who want to promote diversity, equity and justice.
60-minute online course for those interested in improving teen health.
Cooperative statewide effort encouraging coordinated violence prevention initiatives across North Carolina.
Notice of Federal Funding and Federal Disclaimer: This website is funded through Grant #90EV0410-03.