Campaigns, trainings, and online resources that support campus sexual violence prevention efforts.
Workshop series designed to help families navigate middle school and prepare for teen years.
Curriculum for starting and running an LGBTQ relationship skills class.
Equips pediatricians to address violence prevention with families throughout stages of childhood and adolescence.
Campaign encouraging parents to talk with their teens about healthy relationships.
Guidance on how to teach children media literacy.
Provides multisector health equity framework to DV prevention.
App encourages young people to build healthy relationship skills by completing daily challenges.
Training programs to help athletic coaches promote positive social change.
Toolkit for youth activists to prevent teen dating violence in their communities and schools.
Curriculum for adults who have children and youth in their lives to prevent sexual violence.
Designed to extend and enrich the core curriculum for literature.
Film follows boys & young men as they negotiate America’s narrow definition of masculinity.
Intergenerational organization for physical, psychological, social, and economic development of girls & women.
Participatory strategy for investing in the future of young women and girls in NYC.
Explores the positive roles of fathers and fatherhood programs in promoting gender equality and healthy relationships.
Notice of Federal Funding and Federal Disclaimer: This website is funded through Grant #90EV0410-03.