Getting Together for Social Justice

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Paul Kivel, social justice educator, activist, and writer, has been an innovative leader in violence prevention for more than 35 years. The Getting Together for Social Justice website offers a variety of resources that can be used in the prevention of domestic and sexual violence and that address the root causes of all forms of violence. Kivel is the author of numerous books and curricula, including Uprooting Racism: How White People Can Work for Racial Justice, Men’s Work, Making the Peace, Helping Teens Stop Violence, Boys Will Be Men, I Can Make My World A Safer Place, and most recently, You Call This a Democracy?: Who Benefits, Who Pays, and Who Really Decides.

Paul Kivel has developed highly effective participatory and interactive methodologies for training youth and adults to become involved in social justice work in a variety of settings. Paul, himself, is an accomplished trainer and speaker on men’s issues, racism and diversity, challenges of youth, teen dating and family violence, raising boys to manhood, and the impact of class and power on daily life. The books, tools and resources he’s written and developed on these issues are featured and available on the website.


The website can be explored by issue and includes resources that address: Violence Prevention, Racial Justice, Gender Justice, Young People, Anti-Violence, Economic Justice and Religion.

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Recent News

Wednesday, 12 February 2025
This issue of the PreventIPV Newsletter offers resources that help us actualize respect for each other and ourselves.
Monday, 4 November 2024
This issue of the PreventIPV newsletter highlights new resources, upcoming professional development opportunities, and exciting developments in the prevention field, with a particular focus on economic justice as a violence prevention strategy.

Notice of Federal Funding and Federal Disclaimer: This website is funded through Grant #90EV0410-03.

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