Keep Connected
Keep Connected is an interactive workshop series for parents and youth ages 10-14 to help them navigate middle school and prepare for teen years. Facilitators in schools and youth-facing organizations run workshops to help families strengthen engagement, learn keys to positive family relationships, and try new ways to stay connected as kids grow up.
The Keep Connected program promotes healthy youth development by helping families stay connected as youth navigate new relationships, opportunities, and challenges throughout middle school. Keep Connected uses a strengths-based approach to encourage middle schoolers and their parents to explore and strengthen their relationships through workshops and fun at-home activities.
Facilitators and program coordinators can attend the 2 1/2 day Keep Connected Institute for Strengthening Family Relationships in order to learn Keep Connected framework and gain access to curriculum and guidebook. Keep Connected Institute is designed for schools and other organizations that work with families, teens, and pre-teens ages 10-14.