That's Not Cool

That's Not Cool

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That's Not Cool partners with young people to help raise awareness and bring educational and organizing tools to communities to address dating violence, unhealthy relationships, and digital abuse. The interactive website, tools, and resources support young people as they learn to recognize and prevent dating violence, and assists adult allies--such as educators and advocates--in working with youth leaders. Resources include:

  • Respect Effect app
  • callout cards
  • CoolNotCool quiz cards game
  • tools for adult allies
  • much more!

That's Not Cool brings marginalized youth voices to the center of dating violence prevention efforts. It provides youth leaders and adult allies with the tools, training, and support they need to bring localized violence prevention public education campaigns to their communities.

Access That's Not Cool's website for tools and information on ways in which youth leaders can get involved and adult allies can support youth efforts.

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Recent News

Wednesday, 12 February 2025
This issue of the PreventIPV Newsletter offers resources that help us actualize respect for each other and ourselves.
Monday, 4 November 2024
This issue of the PreventIPV newsletter highlights new resources, upcoming professional development opportunities, and exciting developments in the prevention field, with a particular focus on economic justice as a violence prevention strategy.

Notice of Federal Funding and Federal Disclaimer: This website is funded through Grant #90EV0410-03.

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