Te Invito: Working with Latino Men Toolkit

PSA1 w English Subtitles 1280x720

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This toolkit is a comprehensive resource for working with Latino men in the US with original audio-visual materials in Spanish and English that can be used in local campaigns. It also includes sections on the rationale for working with Latino men, cultural consideration for doing the work, and ideas on how to take action at the individual and institutional levels. The toolkit also includes a collection of tools and materials for working with Latino men developed by various organizations in the U.S. and in Latin America.

This resource was developed specifically for Latin@ communities in the U.S. and includes resources and tools that are easily adapted for use in local communities.

These materials were developed so that locally based organizations may use them to invite Latino men to participate in their prevention efforts. The posters, tear-sheets, business cards and print ad all have editable fields to allow for some customization. These were designed to be easily printed on a standard color printer, or sent to a web-based business card printing company for easy, inexpensive printing. If you are interested in customizing and using the video PSAs for your own work, please contact products@casadeesperanza.org for assistance. This media kit contains information and materials to support your work to engage local media in spreading the word about your work. 

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