I Am Courageous
I Am Courageous is a youth focused teen dating violence prevention campaign and website which includes messaging that promotes healthy relationship behaviors and positive bystander approaches. As an example, the messaging on the Love is Respect poster encourages positive bystander behavior and how to safely speak up against teen dating violence. The website includes tips for healthy relationships, relationship rights and responsibilities, how to stand up when you see something wrong and how to help a friend and has information for both adolescents and the adult influencers in their lives. All of the posters and the billboard are can be downloaded here.
Goal: The goals of the site are to engage youth and adults in healthy relationship practices through various tools and methods such as quizzes, videos and resources.
Youth were involved throughout the process of the creation of the website and materials, including the FCADV Youth Advisory Board which reviewed and provided feedback on the site. The posters and billboards were created as a result of focus groups of young men ages 12-15. They also provided the language, design preference and layout.
Information is geared toward different populations with resources and tips tailored for each group: youth, parents, educators and men. The Youth Activism Toolkit is currently being updated so stay tuned for revisions.