See Me: The media, my world and me.

The SeeMe Media Literacy web site is an interactive web based resource with six teaching and learning modules aligned to the AusVELS (Victorian Essential Learning Standards) and Australian Curriculum. The website includes materials and resources that promote positive body image and addresses the impact of unrealistic media portrayals of beauty and gender stereotypes on young people. Materials designed to be delivered by teachers/prevention educators and student leaders.
Increasing media literacy has long been recognized as a critical component to the prevention of dating violence sexual assault and sexual harassment, bullying and other dangerous behaviors. Teachers deliver six modules in a classroom setting and provide support to student leaders to deliver modules and facilitate discussions. Additional online resources are available that help programs and schools to develop their own resources.
Impact: The SeeMe Literacy web site was piloted and evaluated in four school classrooms in Term 4 2011. In 2012, schools in 5 regions participated in training for Student Leaders and Teacher Champions. For further information please contact Alex White, Partnerships and Programs Manager, The Queen Victoria Women’s Centre.
Material may be used for non-commercial education and prevention initiatives. Copyright is owned by the State of Victoria (Department of Education and Early Childhood Development), or in the case of some materials, by third parties (third party materials).