How can my agency invest in building equitable community environment that supports safe relationships?

Wednesday, 29 November 2017

By Lisa Fujie Parks, with Morgan Croce and Alisha Somji for the Prevention Institute

"When I first started working on prevention at the California Partnership to End Domestic Violence in 2009, I was overwhelmed. I thought about the millions of people in California affected by dating abuse and intimate partner violence (IPV) and how to prevent such a massive problem! Working at a state coalition, I knew that partnerships would be key. When I returned to work at Prevention Institute in 2014, I continued to build on my commitment to partnerships. And with generous support from Blue Shield of California Foundation, we developed a report – A Health Equity and Multisector Approach to Preventing Domestic Violence: Toward Community Environments that Support Safe Relationships. This paper builds on the importance of partnerships for prevention, identifying 13 sectors that shape where we live, work, play and connect, and receive care.

In the current climate of pervasive IPV, threats to safety nets, and escalating divisiveness, many domestic violence advocates are wondering: How can my agency invest in building equitable community environments that support safe relationships?"

Read the full piece on VAWnet.

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