Taking Action to Prevent Intimate Partner Violence and Sexual Violence: Creating Statewide Prevention Plans

Published by the CDC’s Division of Violence Prevention, this report documents the lessons learned, successes, challenges and outcomes of state level prevention planning undertaken by DELTA and EMPOWER grantees.
State level planning for both DELTA (primarily focused on Intimate Partner Violence ) and EMPOWER (primarily focused on Sexual Assault) addressed capacity building for state and local level partners as well as short and long term strategic planning informed by a diverse committee, that was data driven and evidence informed. Planning activities for all grantees led to comprehensive state wide plans for the design, implementation and evaluation of prevention programming.
The successes and challenges identified in this report may provide helpful lessons learned for injury and violence prevention programs at health departments, State Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Coalitions and other statewide entities as they support and enhance IPV and SV violence prevention efforts in their states.