Connecting the Dots Between Health Equity & Anti-Oppression Work: Strengths & Challenges in the Rape Prevention & Education Program

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The National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC), a technical assistance provider for Rape Prevention and Education (RPE) programs, conducted a national needs assessment in 2021 that asked RPE partners about their capacity for prevention, with a specific focus on community-level prevention efforts. This report provides key themes from that assessment and provides information on how programs connect the dots between health equity and anti-oppression work.

This publication makes the case that health equity and anti-oppression work go hand-in-hand. It maps out the ways in which cross-cutting issue priorities and equity practices have shifted among RPE-funded programs over the last decade, and offers concrete recommendations for programs to advance their health equity and anti-oppression work.

This document is available from the National Sexual Violence Resource Center. To view additional reports and learn more about the assessment methodology, visit

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