Prevention Through Liberation: Theory and Practice of Anti-Oppression as Primary Prevention of Sexual and Domestic Violence

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This paper from the Oregon Coalition Against Domestic & Sexual Violence operates from the thesis that oppression is a root cause of sexual and domestic violence. Therefore, doing anti-oppression work is sexual violence prevention.

In this paper, authors suggest that any work that dismantles oppression and promotes liberation contributes, directly or indirectly, to sexual and domestic violence prevention and sexual health promotion. It explores the links between anti-oppression work and the prevention of sexual and domestic violence. Further, the OCADSV is committed to both infusing existing violence prevention work with anti-oppression principles and practices, and to fostering new approaches to violence prevention that are deeply grounded in anti-oppression theory and practice.

“Prevention Through Liberation” is both a theory and a specific project of the Oregon Coalition Against Domestic & Sexual Violence. This paper describes the theory (including philosophy, principles, concepts, and values) and lays out the project (its goals, origins, funding, scope, and intentions for future). The paper concludes with aspirations and calls to action for advocates, activists, organizations, and funders.

This paper is available from OCADSV’s website. To learn more about the project, see their Prevention Through Liberation webpage.

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