Call for Proposals: KCASDV's Partners In Progress Conference

Friday, 19 August 2016

Partners in Progress: 2nd Biennial Conference for the Prevention of Sexual and Domestic Violence 
February 6 – 7, 2017 
Ramada Convention Center 420 SE 
6th Street, Topeka, Kansas

This conference is a networking and learning opportunity for all those working to end sexual violence, domestic violence, and dating violence. 

The 2017 Conference Tracks are: 1) Social Change 2) Community Organizing & Mobilization 3) Schools and Campuses 4) Leadership Development (Youth, Men, Public Officials, businesses, etc.)

Workshop proposals are due no later than September 1, 2016. 

More information.

Notice of Federal Funding and Federal Disclaimer: This website is funded through Grant #90EV0410-03.

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