A Call to Men Conference Announcement: Sports Culture
Friday, 10 July 2015

Registration is now open for the A Call to Men National 2015 National Conference, Sports Culture: Advancing Its Role in Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Prevention, scheduled for September 10-11, 2015 in Charlotte, North Carolina.
Conference topics include:
- Coaching Healthy Respectful Manhood
- Addressing Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault on College Campuses
- Engaging Men in Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault Prevention
- Engaging Men from Diverse Communities in DV/SA Prevention
- Trafficking & Major Sporting Events
- Understanding Sports Culture
- Working with local DV/SA Programs for Coaches, Athletes, Athletic Directors and Sports Management
- Using Social Media, PSA and Other Campaigns to Prevent Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault
- Addressing the Issue of Demand: Trafficking, Prostitution & Pornography
- Coaches, Athletes & Advocates Working Together to Develop Young Men of Character
- Addressing Violence Against Women in the Entertainment and Music Industry
- Understanding Sports Culture
- Role of Faith Communities in Domestic Violence Prevention
More information at: http://www.acalltomen.org/news/call-men-2015-national-conference