Call for Proposals - Resilience on the Riverfront: Transforming Trauma

Attention Fellow Preventionists! Please share this with your prevention team and your member programs or community partners who are using a trauma-informed approach in their prevention strategies, culturally-specific and community-relevant outreach and programming, and organizational policies and practices. This is the third in a series of trauma conferences hosted by the Delaware Coalition Against Domestic Violence (DCADV) and we'd love to highlight the wonderful work you and your partners are doing!
Submit your workshop proposal for the two-day conference “Resilience on the Riverfront: Transforming Trauma.”
The conference will be held July 27-28, 2015 at the Chase Center on the Riverfront in Wilmington, DE. The Chase Center is conveniently located between Philadelphia and Baltimore along I-95. This conference will bring together domestic violence advocates and victim service providers to share information, advance learning opportunities, and support professional growth to those working with survivors of domestic violence, family violence, and/or dating violence. Workshops on all aspects of trauma and trauma-informed practices, including organizational response, are being sought. We encourage proposals that involve experiential learning techniques and creative teaching methods.
Please submit the following information for your proposal:
- Title of proposed workshop
- Preferred format
- Presenters’ name(s) and contact information (organization, title, address, email, phone)
- Workshop abstract (50-75 words to be used in conference materials)
- Detailed workshop description
- Session Learning Objectives (minimum of three)
- Audio/Visual Needs
All workshops will be 75 minutes in length. DCADV will also consider multi-part workshops with opportunities for extended application and interaction.
Proposals must be submitted to by Friday, May 22, 2015. Applicants will receive notice by Friday, June 5, 2015. Limited financial support is available for travel and lodging for presenters; please indicate the need for financial support in your proposal.