Call for Presenters: OH Annual Prevention Conference

It's on Us to Be the One: Working Collaboratively to End Sexual and Intimate Partner Violence on Ohio Campuses
June 24-26, 2015
Central Ohio
The Ohio Alliance to End Sexual Violence in partnership with the Ohio Domestic Violence Network and the Ohio Department of Health present a statewide conference to support partnerships between community based programs and college campuses in order to end SV/IPV on college campuses. Other topics will cover Title IX, student mobilization for change, and the intersections of race, class, and gender and how they effect prevention and intervention on college campuses.
For more information visit:
Every year the Ohio Alliance to End Sexual Violence, in partnership with the Ohio Domestic Violence Network and the Ohio Department of Health, hosts a statewide conference for prevention specialists, victim service advocates, and allied professionals. We are seeking workshop proposals to further the knowledge of advocates and prevention specialists in the field.
Please consider sharing your knowledge and skills by facilitating a workshop. We are looking for workshops that address the following topics:
- Intersections of Sexual Violence, Intimate Partner Violence, and Stalking and how to organize comprehensively across these issues.
- How bias affects the prevention and response to Sexual Violence, Intimate Partner Violence, and Stalking.
- The implementation of Title IX and the Campus Save Act including both prevention and response.
- Intersections of the campus judicial processes, Title 9 investigations, Clery Act, and the criminal justice system.
- Student engagement and how to mobilize to support prevention and create safer campuses.
- Creating and sustaining campus-community collaborations & partnerships.
- Planning and evaluating successful prevention based college programs and campaigns.
The Workshop Proposal Form can be downloaded HERE. It contains submission instructions, as well as benefits of presenting.
Deadline for proposals is March 23, 2015, by email to