Winter 2017 Newsletter: Youth Activism

PreventIPV Newsletter (Winter 2017): Youth Activism
Young people have the power to change our world. They can; they will; they do.
Youth activism has propelled social justice movements throughout history, and today we are seeing youth taking on more issues than ever, employing a variety of creative strategies to accomplish real change.
This February for Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month (#TeenDVMonth), the Intimate Partner Violence Prevention Council, in partnership with the National Resource Center on Domestic Violence (NRCDV), is putting a spotlight on youth activism as essential to an effective movement to end gender-based violence. Intentional efforts to embrace intergenerational approaches to our work will help us to create real social change.
Youth engagement in the movement to end gender-based violence comes in many forms. The PreventIPV Tools Inventory features a variety of models and strategies for developing youth leadership capacity and more effectively engaging in intergenerational activism in our movement.
In this issue, you can register for our #TeenDVMonth webinars, explore our prevention "tools of the week" for February, and gain access to additional NRCDV resources highlighting the power of youth activism.
Access the full issue here.