Teen Dating Violence Awareness & Prevention Month 2016

Thursday, 4 February 2016

For Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month 2016, PreventIPV is featuring the newest addition to the Tools Inventory: The Freechild Project.

"The Freechild Project connects young people to create social change, particularly those who have historically been denied the right to participation." The website includes an impressive and inspiring database collection of youth-led activities occurring all over the world. The Freechild Project offers training, tools and technical assistance.

Visit the website to see resources, tools and publications that have to do with promoting and supporting youth-driven social activism on a variety of topics. For inspiration click here to see the wide range of social justice and anti-oppression issues that youth around the world are working on from school reform and racism and the environment to public health, non violence and sex education.

To get inspired and to see more examples of youth activism, a guide to social action led by young people can be accessed hereThe Guide to Social Change Led By and With Young People is a short guide by Adam Fletcher and Joseph Vavrus (CommonAction, 2006) described as a snapshot of social change initiatives occurring around the world highlighting different approaches to social change. It describes grassroots organizing, service learning, community activism, and youth empowerment.


Notice of Federal Funding and Federal Disclaimer: This website is funded through Grant #90EV0410-03.

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