Preventing violence in our homes: Meeting this moment with connection, care, and justice (Part 1)
"Children, youth, and families are experiencing intensified stresses and new traumas as our country and the entire world works to contain the novel coronavirus and save lives. At the same time, community members, practitioners, and advocates across the country are stepping up to prevent violence in homes and meet this moment with connection, care and an unwavering commitment to justice. This blog series shares specific examples of how groups are identifying and addressing community needs, connecting with different population groups and advocating with funders and policymakers in support of children, youth, and families. It is based on an April 14 and 17 PreventConnect web conference.
This first blog of the series unpacks the increased risks for violence in the home during this time of crisis and spotlights efforts by Center at McKinleyville in Humboldt County, CA and the National Compadres Network to support connection and care."