Podcast: Domestic Violence Awareness & Prevention Month 2021

Thursday, 30 September 2021

Arlene Vassell and Casey Keene of the National Resource Center on Domestic Violence join this PreventConnect podcast to discuss the theme and ongoing call-to-action for Domestic Violence Awareness and Prevention Month 2021.

Part 1: No Survivor Justice Without Racial Justice

October is Domestic Violence Awareness and Prevention Month. Arlene Vassell and Casey Keene of the National Resource Center on Domestic Violence joined PreventConnect for a podcast to discuss the history of DVAM, the theme for this year, and how advocates and preventionists can sustain actions throughout the rest of the year.

Part 2: Connections to and Impacts of COVID-19

October is Domestic Violence Awareness and Prevention Month. Arlene Vassell and Casey Keene of the National Resource Center on Domestic Violence joined PreventConnect for a 2-part podcast to talk all things DVAM 2021. Part 1 of this podcast is also available where Arlene and Casey discuss the history of DVAM and the theme and ongoing call-to-action for this year: No Survivor Justice Without Racial Justice. On this episode, Arlene and Casey draw connections between DVAM, the COVID-19 pandemic, and the intersections of racial justice and survivor justice.

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