National IPV & SV Prevention Specialist Competencies

Monday, 25 August 2014

The Safe States Alliance is requesting input on their draft National IPV & SV Prevention Specialist Competencies.

"We believe these proposed competencies will encompass essential knowledge and skills that are widely considered necessary to do IP&SV prevention work. The competencies are not just for new professionals but for those who have been the field five years to a lifetime."

A brief overview:
1. There are 110 competencies.
2. They are organized into 3 time periods in a IP&SV prevention specialist's professional lifespan: a) 1-3 months of employment, b) end of the first year of employment and c) ongoing.
3. Each time period is broken down into 5-6 categories: a) Be familiar with concept, b) General Knowledge, c) Assessment and Evaluation, d) Project Management, e) Communication and Training, and f) Self Care.

Participate in the 30-90 minute survey to offer your input:

Contact Beth Malchus with questions:

Notice of Federal Funding and Federal Disclaimer: This website is funded through Grant #90EV0410-03.

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