Health Equity in Practice: How to build cross-movement partnerships to advance health equity

Tuesday, 26 September 2023

We live in a society where racism, sexism, homophobia and transphobia, classism, and ableism impact our laws, the systems we live in, and the social norms we all live with. This means that if we want to prevent sexual violence from happening, we must be equipped with the tools to understand and dismantle these forces. 

Advancing health equity means that we need to recognize and address how oppressive forces compound together to harm marginalized communities and stretch ourselves outside of our professional boxes to work alongside communities in finding solutions. 

Join PreventConnect, the National Sexual Violence Resource Center and the Wyoming Coalition Against Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault (WCADVSA) for a conversation around how to work toward creating communities free from violence, by building authentic partnerships based on trust and mutual care.

This workshop might be for you if you understand the connection between social justice issues and sexual violence prevention but are struggling with how to work with non-traditional partners and movement leaders (i.e. people working in other sectors of social justice like economic justice, racial justice, reproductive justice, environmental justice, etc.)

As the fifth and final session of Health Equity in Practice: Foundations for Sexual Violence Prevention, this workshop will focus on how to use the foundational knowledge and tools from the first four sessions as a catalyst for change inter-organizationally and in prevention programs by highlighting the 2023 Wyoming Youth Summit.

Staff from WCADVSA, along with partners at the Wind River Reservation, will share about their work to organize a statewide Youth Leadership Summit for indigenous youth, how they created and upheld space at the table for tribal leadership, and what they learned along the way.


Notice of Federal Funding and Federal Disclaimer: This website is funded through Grant #90EV0410-03.

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