Building Healthy Futures 2015

Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Building Healthy Futures 2015: Re-imagining Men’s Role in the Movement to End Sexual and Intimate Partner Violence
April 22-23, 2015
Richmond, Virginia

Join the Virginia Sexual and Domestic Violence Action Alliance this year at the Building Healthy Futures Conference. This year the Action Alliance is offering a variety of perspectives to critically think about men’s role in the movement to end sexual and intimate partner violence. We are very excited to have presenters that will offer several approaches on increasing men’s engagement and the multitude of critical questions that are raised as we deconstruct gender, masculinity, sexuality, and violence as it relates to both prevention and intervention programming and services for survivors.

Let your agency shine at the Prevention Showcase:

In addition to some very exciting TED style talks, skill-building workshops, and an expert panel, the Action Alliance will feature a pre-conference “Prevention Showcase” that will introduce participants to primary prevention strategies and initiatives happening across the Commonwealth. Showcase exhibitors will be given the opportunity to display their prevention strategy and engage in one-on-one discussions with Showcase attendees.

For more information and to register, click here.


Notice of Federal Funding and Federal Disclaimer: This website is funded through Grant #90EV0410-03.

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