We Choose All of Us

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We Choose All of Us encourages practices of self-reflection and storytelling to plant and nurture the seed that reconnects us to us. Through visual art, poetry, and storytelling, We Choose All of Us promotes a new way of being, with relationships based on mutuality, an abundance and sharing of resources, and organizing across social justice issues with impacted communities at the center.

We Choose All of Us is built on five poetic themes:

  • Belonging to Beloved Community
  • Restoring Wholeness, Our Spirit and Humanity
  • Together We Are Stronger
  • Living in Harmony and Abundance
  • Water is Life, Earth is Sacred

The We Choose All of Us website offers prompts for self-reflection and conversation on each theme, as well as artwork and suggested community practices that promote connection. The project has also developed teen-specific materials, such as posters, conversation cards, and pocket guides on healing from abuse and supporting friends, available on IDVSA's website.

Learn more about We Choose All of Us' poetic vision and practices for self-reflection and community connection on their website. Access additional We Choose All of Us resources on at idvsa.org.

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Recent News

Wednesday, 12 February 2025
This issue of the PreventIPV Newsletter offers resources that help us actualize respect for each other and ourselves.
Monday, 4 November 2024
This issue of the PreventIPV newsletter highlights new resources, upcoming professional development opportunities, and exciting developments in the prevention field, with a particular focus on economic justice as a violence prevention strategy.

Notice of Federal Funding and Federal Disclaimer: This website is funded through Grant #90EV0410-03.

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