Illustrating Our Prevention Story

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This Prevention Storybook represents ICADV’s attempt to wrap their arms around prevention learnings from the past ten years. The storybook outlines ICADV's rationale and framework for prevention and details successful prevention strategies throughout Indiana.

ICADV's Prevention Storybook offers lessons learned from the last ten years of prevention work in Indiana. The storybook includes ICADV's vision for centering prevention on equity and shifting power dynamics and outlines successful prevention efforts and future strategies, with a focus on the higher levels of the social ecology. The coloring book format invites readers to bring their whole, creative selves to the content as they engage with the joyful work of creating safe and equitable communities.

Download the storybook from ICADV's website. ICADV encourages you to read, color, converse, and reach out to help improve and take next steps toward making safe and respectful relationships the expected and supported choice for all of us.

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Notice of Federal Funding and Federal Disclaimer: This website is funded through Grant #90EV0410-03.

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