Current Practices and Challenges with Engaging Men on Campus

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The Department of Justice Office on Violence Against Women (OVW) “2014 Current Practices and Challenges Engaging Men on Campus” provides insight into how 2014 OVW Campus Program grantees fostered men as allies in the prevention of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking. The assessment also provides effective theories and comprehensive steps to engage men in prevention.

This report, which was prepared for OVW by Men Can Stop Rape, includes the assessment methodology used to assess participating campus grantees as well as observations, results and recommendations based on the findings. It includes theories for engaging men on campus and eight steps for doing so.

The steps are: 1) build a masculinity gender lens, 2) create a comprehensive, positive strategy to engage men, 3) build a large team of allies, 4) develop culturally-informed engaging men programming based on a masculinity gender lens, 5) train educators 6) implement and sustain varied engaging men programming, 7) continue training educators and building allies, and 8) evaluate and repeat.


Recommendations outlined in this report constitute a blueprint for creating and assessing comprehensive, coordinated strategies for engaging men in prevention. The steps are designed to build capacity and sustainability by increasing shared responsibility for engaging men on campus with the intended outcome of changing campus culture, especially regarding sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, stalking and masculinity.

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