Partners in Prevention Video Series

Engaging partners in business: Rhode Island’s Ten Men Initiative and Friends of RICADV Program

The Rhode Island Coalition Against Domestic Violence (RICADV) has been successful in building a successful and lasting partnership with Alliance Security – the partnership first grew out of opportunities to support advocacy and safety for survivors of violence but quickly expanded to include the involvement of Alliance Security’s CEO in the prevention of intimate partner violence through a unique statewide initiative called Ten Men. This video highlights these programs and agency efforts, mapping out the push towards more robust engagement with business partners in the prevention of violence.

Engaging allies in health and wellness: A Wisconsin-based Health System’s Push for Prevention

This video focuses on a unique partnership between Gunderson Health System and the National Child Protection Training Center. Since 2013, this partnership has worked to build organizational capacity for prevention and has shifted the focus of medical practitioners’ everyday work from services and referrals to using a holistic prevention-based set of practices.

Engaging allies in health, wellness, and social justice: The Teen Alliance Council of Warren County, Ohio

In this video interview, the Violence Free Coalition (VFC) of Warren County, Ohio describes their unique partnership with local substance abuse prevention practitioners and high school students in an effort to support the development of a Teen Alliance Council working to address multiple social and public health issues facing teens. Through the Teen Alliance Council and related programming, local high school students are given the structure, tools, and resources needed to lead prevention efforts within their communities and to inspire their generation to put an end to violence and substance abuse in all forms.

Engaging advocates and movement makers: The Prevention Coaching Group of Texas

The prevention team at the Texas Council on Family Violence (TCFV) has been successful in engaging local advocates and movement makers in building and sustaining capacity for primary prevention. This has been accomplished through the implementation of a community of practice model that connects prevention workers from family violence shelters and community agencies in a statewide prevention coaching group.

Notice of Federal Funding and Federal Disclaimer: This website is funded through Grant #90EV0410-03.

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